
Continuing with my walk spree, this morning I found myself up bright and early on a not so bright day – to be honest it was all a bit dank and dull. But not to put me off – the opportunities I have to walk with my camera are quite rare at the moment, so I’m not going to let a dreary day put me off. And I’m so glad I went exploring. I didn’t go far – just an early morning walk around the perimeter of Forfar. It was early enough on a Saturday morning to miss any shoppers – besides I avoided the town centre and went off for an explore around areas not obviously thought of for their beauty.

I must admit I had a bit of a flash back to 20 odd years ago – as a design student when I used to go off down to places like the docks in Dundee, or Blackness cemetery with a macro lens attached to my camera. I’ve always been fascinated by the beauty you can find in the mundane. The beautiful colours, textures and patterns you can find when you look really closely. Decaying, derelict and abandoned landscapes can reveal striking features and hidden joy. Today I found so much colour when least expecting it. Cheered me up no end!! After today, I have so many ideas for making new paintings, I just cannot wait to get started!

2 comments on “Finding colour (when least expecting it)

  1. I love these. . .and it’s so true, colour is EVERYWHERE!! Even in grey concrete

    1. Victoria Post author

      Thanks Aileen… I do love looking for tiny, hidden gorgeousness in places around us.. and grey is so colourful!!! When I was at art college we did a colour project – I chose grey!!!

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