Archive: 21 March 2017

Colours, marks and lines in the landscape

Day 3 of walking with my camera and I’m exploring the wide open space at St Cyrus beach – the perfect spot for capturing the gorgeous changing light and colours of the Scottish landscape as well as being able to focus on the subtleties of the distant horizon. Seascapes are a favourite place to explore:

Finding colour (when least expecting it) 2

Continuing with my walk spree, this morning I found myself up bright and early on a not so bright day – to be honest it was all a bit dank and dull. But not to put me off – the opportunities I have to walk with my camera are quite rare at the moment, so

Walking + inspiration at Reswallie Loch

A rare opportunity came my way today. . . a walk with my husband and my camera with no children in tow. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful spring day. I am about to embark on a long overdue painting session – my head is bursting with ideas, but I’ve just not

Spring Term 2017 – week 6 (Sat & Weds)

Under the Sea Week 6: For the last week of this block, we rounded up the activities going back to some of the books we had spent time looking at, at the start of the workshop block. Everyone chose an excerpt from one of the books to illustrate – each one had lovely descriptive words

Spring Term 2017 – week 5 & 6 (Tuesday)

Pablo Picasso Weeks 5 & 6: Model making! After being inspired by Picasso for the Spring block, we continued with the same theme, but taking the creations into 3 dimensional form. The children were shown more of Picasso’s artwork, this time focussing on his sculptures as well as his portraits, but we also spent time