Articles by Victoria Wylie

Options in Life at Murton Trust

I was recently invited by Murton Trust to run a series of workshops with Options in Life – a group of young adults with additional support needs. They are based in St Andrews and make regular trips to the nature reserve and farm at Murton to take advantage of the wonderful facilities, the skilled staff

Winter Workshops – Stars and Christmas Trees

Stars and Christmas Trees Keeping up with seasonally themed workshops for winter, in December we got a little bit festive and went full-on Christmas crafting – but in a very eco way!! The young creatives had the choice of making Christmas trees by upcycling cardboard boxes, corks, scraps of fabric and old buttons. Or for

Winter Workshops – Autumnal Leaf Mobiles

Autumnal Leaf Mobiles Winter workshops took on a seasonal theme – and for the Saturday workshop we created autumn leaf mobiles. After gathering as many different types of leaves as I could find, back in the studio the young creatives were asked to look at their different shapes and have a go at drawing the

Winter Workshops – Autumnal Leaf Designs

Autumnal Leaf Designs Winter workshops took on a seasonal theme – starting off with creating autumn leaf designs. After gathering as many different types of leaves as I could find, back in the studio the young creatives were asked to look at their different shapes and have a go at drawing the outlines of them.

October ‘Art Camp’ – Matisse

October holidays ‘Art Camp’ – Matisse October holiday art camp was all about the wonderful work of Matisse – taking inspiration from his later work when he could no longer paint and started to create artworks using cut-out paper which had been painted with gouache paint. He created these artwork, which varied in scale, with

Summer at Murton Trust – Pine Cone Elves & Land Art

Pine Cone Elves Our third and final day at Murton Trust this summer was designed for younger creatives to have a go at making and also the perfect opportunity for anyone to try out the Explore Play Create sessions who had been curious before but perhaps couldn’t join us for the longer sessions or series.

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